Pe nisip

Pe nisip


Spectacol atelier de dezvoltare senzoriala prin teatru.

de Voicu Hetel

Amintirile frumoase nu trebuie sa fie niciodata uitate. Iar frumusetea sta intotdeauna in lucrurile simple care ne inconjoara. Fie ca e vorba doar de o dimineata insorita pe malul marii, de zgomotul valurilor, de o plimbare cu barca sau despre bucuria de a inalta un zmeu, amintirile isi gasesc fiecare dintre ele un locsor in cate o scoica.

Nisipul a reprezentat intotdeauna o atractie irezistibila pentru cei mici. Cum e la atingere? Moale sau aspru? In ce se poate transforma si ce se ascunde sub el sunt invitati sa descopere spectatorii nostri la sfarsitul fiecarei reprezentatii.

Varsta recomandata: 1-3 ani

Spectacolul poate fi prezentat si in limba engleza.


On the beach (short description)

(a show for very young audience 1-3 years old)

It is a story about two people who enjoy the warm of the sun, the sound of the sea and sand. During the next 30 minutes they recreate an afternoon on the beach. They play with the sand and with the shells and discover wonderful things. Each shell looks like something familiar, a comb, or a fan, a dinosaur or even a butterfly and each shell brings back beautiful memories. Every shell is linked to something they did or they have seen before, something they love and want to remember.

One has inside the noise of the waves. Another one has the memory of a beautiful sunrise, a sea star has inside the memory of those two travelling by boat and another deposits the memory of them playing with a kite. The last shell is empty. There, they put the memory of the beautiful morning they spent together with the audience.

At the end, the young audience is invited to play with the props, to touch the sand and collect a shell, in which they will store their own beautiful memory.

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